Monday, March 17, 2008

Cut my life

I drag my feet across the last kilometer - filled with anger, frustration, fatigue and thoughts of you. What can elevate, can also bury – in to inconceivable and irretrievable depths.

I have questions that have no answers, or too many of them. I can’t choose anymore. I’m dead inside. I don’t keep away from you – I keep away from the world. You stopped being me a while ago. And I stopped being you.

I’ll get on. Because I don’t understand. And starting now, I won’t even try. Maybe one day I’ll wake up dead, or know that you are. I’ll cry for a while, and smile about knowing you – through all these years, and through all these emotions.

And know that I lost you many years ago. When I lost myself...


Gypsy said...

you have no idea, but you just reflected everything i went through a month back.. only you expressed it much better than i could ever have. lovely post.

El Furibundo said...

Having all the answers will not solve much. What if, you have the answers, but do not remember the questions that led you to them?
Trundle on, my friend. Because life has many declivities.
- Furi