Monday, December 25, 2006

Living in a vacuum

Is it absolutely essential to have thought the size of enlightment to be able to provide oneself the license to self-expression?

I began by thinking I should call this blog ITomaton - but never mind the smart use of language. ITomaton because I work for one of the biggest names in the IT industry, and see capitalism in its suave, sexy, (and most times mindless) avatar everyday.

We're empowered with all the money, although we can't give ourselves the luxury of 5 extra minutes. We have the financial independence to be able to afford freedom - so what if we're addicted to our bank balances, and can't think anymore. Get to work and talk of innovation but listen to the same radio station every morning (maybe even the same advertisement at the exact same traffic light.)

Ok. Now that we're done with that...No more of the Munna Bhai style rambling. Or it turns as unbelievably convoluted and pointless as the movie - especially when the truth is far from being hilarious. Suddenly, everything (me included) seems like an advertisement of what had the potential to be something real. And all that's real is not real enough if its not advertised well enough. But here I am - helping people 'monetize'
(its the corporate pseusdo word for 'making money'.)

Gandhi apparently said (you have to give the man credit for his aphorisms...but that's all) "You have to be the change you want." Some friend wanted the entire human race un-conditioned, to be able to construct anarchist set-ups some generations down the line. I'm not thinking that radical - not just yet. Right now I'm wondering where to begin.


Script Writer said...

Girl, I am now officially in love with you. How well you write!

Unknown said...

Firstly, NICE…. Real nice…: to borrow a phrase… I LIKE!!!

Secondly, Expertise doesn’t necessarily precede, nor for that matter proceed, Power… In fact from my limited experience, I am tempted to believe that they are mutually exclusive... (Much like Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle….)

Lastly, who/what really is holding you back…? Theek hain we may not be able to take off on a ride to the Himalayas (we are not THAT financially independent:: YET), but reach out and change the channel…
And if resisted LEARN to change (the channel/self/the world :: You decide).

Unknown said...

In fact methinks you ought to take some Power... (find it if needed)
See what you can do off it...
The other side of the looking glass
The Second POV

hey jude said...

Life, misery, money, ITOMTONS (sultan, what the hell does that mean?)

Addicted to bank balances is much like picking up the next cigarette to smoke! Is that that bad?