Thursday, January 18, 2007

Maturity, huh?

Sometime ago, life didn't seem like a munshi in disguise...asking for an account of every action, every word and every thought. Frankly, I thought I could get away with a lot of shit, completely unscathed (and I did.) But suddenly there's the imperative to think of everything in terms of consequences (and how I hate that boring shit.) Every action, every thought/half-thought, expression is attributed to a personality trait. Now, seriously, if my personality had to be based on anything/everything I have done/said in the past, I would be a threat to the idea of sanity as medicine knows it (its funny how life-changing revelations come to you when you're least expecting them.)

Anyway! Coming back to life, and its irritating calculative habits - the only thing that society doesn't give any gyaan about, is how to deal with pain (they have buckets full of moral bullshit otherwise.) For pain, they only have the cliche` stuff...the kind that just doesn't make a difference when you're in pain. Then again, maybe that's the good thing about it. Since no one can help you through it, all your lessons are only your own to learn from, and claim maturity for. Maturity is another thing I'd like to discuss. But some other time.

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